The Kermesse

Conceived and produced by

Isabelle Binet

Isabelle Binet, who saw the potential of Piazza Tevere as a lively public gathering place, joined David Monacchi and Kristin Jones to envision a vibrant annual gathering to showcase drumming traditions. The idea was to transcend all boundaries through the universal language of percussion by inviting explosive musical battles and immersive experimental sound events around the grand river site.

A first gathering, arranged by Binet, brought  together numerous percussion groups, students, and teachers from a variety of Roman music schools along the Tiber’s bank on a warm May evening at sunset. By improvising, merging, and weaving different styles – Mediterranean, Latin-American, African, Japanese, and more – moments of chance, discovery and surprise were created at Piazza Tevere. The beats and rhythms of many  marches, battles, rituals, oracles, departures, prayers, feasts and dances echoed across the water and stirred hidden memories of place for those living in the rich, multicultural reality of today’s Rome.


The Kermesse


Conceived and produced by
Isabelle Binet








Participating schools
Centro Culturale Affabulazione, Laboratorio di Tamburi Giapponesi, maestra Rita Superbi
Associazione Culturale Controchiave, Laboratorio di Multipercussioni, maestro Daniele Magli
Associazione Semilla, maestro Gabriele Gagliarini
Scuola di Percussioni Stefano Rossini Roma, maestro Stefano Rossini
Scuola di Percussioni Timba, maestro Ady Thiona
Scuola di Tamburello di Davide Conte, maestro Davide Conte
Istituto Comprensivo Virgilio, Scuola Secondaria di 1° grado, Sezione Musicale, maestro Josè Mobilia
Tony William, Jambè
Duo Benkadi di Inoussa e Denbele

The Kermesse


Tevereterno per Open House Roma.” Artribune. May 9, 2015.