Stati d'Acqua by David Monacchi (headphones recommended)
In the surreal and immense volume of space that is Piazza Tevere – sound, water and air are shaped by the fluid elements of the complex surround. The silent water and sky are framed by the monumental embankment walls, by the waves of traffic and those passing by. Birds occupy the soundscape at sunrise and sunset. This genius loci contains centuries of memory and is filled with potential.
This magnificent site in the very heart of Rome is one of the most challenging spaces for contemporary sound-art installations and musical performances. The sheer scale of Piazza Tevere and its compelling environment, force us to rethink music events in relation to the acoustics of a physical space.
Sound takes about 1.6 seconds to travel the 550-meters between the two bridges – Ponte Sisto and Ponte Mazzini. Hereby, site-specific musical compositions and sound designs must consider the characteristic of the delay – perfect synchronicity of sound is not possible. Space and time within Piazza Tevere are acoustically interdependent: the position where a sound is produced – a musician or a loudspeaker – or where a sound is heard – a listener – changes the perception and influences the experience.
Across the years, music events at Piazza Tevere have been designed in consideration of this acoustic relativity. Different site-specific sound designs have been created to take advantage of the unique physical limits generated by the space itself.
The silence of the river with the noisy ‘rivers of cars’ above, challenge us to imagine grand scale, multi-channel electroacoustic solutions. We have aurally transformed the site for new immersive experiences, exploring the hidden potential, pushing the boundaries of invention and sound technology.
David Monacchi and Kristin Jones